“In this new and unfolding series of books by author and Elder High Priestess Tamara Von Forslun she shares her deep and abiding love and knowledge of the Craft. In the series each book leads the readers into a deeper awareness of the Craft, beginning with the first book exploring the path of the seeker and building the foundation for the materials to come. An excellent new series, both for those just stepping foot upon the path and those of us who have been practicing for years.”
Jeff Jones
“Well written and the perfect book for the Seeker, thank you for a true and factual series of teachings.”
Alex Lasky
“I’ve not read many books published on the Craft in the last few years but I purchased this one at the recommendation of a friend and found it to be a refreshing introduction to the Craft for those first stepping foot upon the path, while also giving some deeper information that usually is not seen outside of Lineaged coven work. This makes for a good mix of information for those finding their way and also for those who have practiced for years both in coven and not. I was pleased to see that the author has planned and is continuing a series of books to follow up on this one and do look forward to reading them.”
“What a great read, loved it and can’t wait for the next book to come out.”
Michelle Townsend
“What an excellent and easy book to read, found it great for a beginner wanting to know the basics, I am looking forward to the next book.”
“This is what sets the author apart from other writers. The author’s unique way of stringing words together, formulating ideas and relating scenes or images to the reader. In any piece of writing, the voice should be consistent and identifiable with the author who has done a very good and professional job. 8/10”
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