No matter what land, culture, country or faith, the Goddess is alive and well and attracting not only women to Her many paths and to Her mystery’s, but also men who have realized and awakened the feminine within and also without as needed in this time of great uncertainty. It is time not to suppress the feminine, but Empower Her, so the world can see the true beauty in everything in creation is by the feminine.
Let us all now honor the Great Mother in this time of need and let us honor all Mothers throughout our forgotten past and listen to Her-story and not his-story, as it is the patriarchal religions of the world that have created a world of uncertainty, imbalance, disharmony, and fear. Let us NOW through the Divine Feminine remove the imbalance of the patriarchal warring world and assist our own community in EMPOWERING and awakening all women and men into a natural world of harmony, peace, and equilibrium. The Golden Age of Harmony is NOW!
Let us as a world Tribe of women and men concerned for our natural world under the Light of the Goddess in all Her many faces and names illumine our Earth, and as we honor the Great Mother so too will we honor all mothers, of every faith, culture, and tradition.
“May the Goddess hold you gently in the palms of Her hands,
and always close to Her heart!”
Tamara Von Forslun
Elder High Priestess of the Clans of Boskednan and the Tribe of the Crow