This book is ‘Book Three’ as part of a complete series and outlines an ancient and esoteric system that uses internal and external Alchemizing to create a vibrational healing and a reawakening of the many levels of conscious existence, and the varied teachings from the realms of Internal and External Alchemy. By using the ancient techniques of the Egyptian High Priest-Thoth Tehuti. As an Isarum (Initiate) of the Temple of Khnum we can become aware and reawaken our higher selves, and improve our deeper communication with our subtler rhythms and create change.
The Tarot Mysteries of Thoth are the creation of the Father of knowledge-Thoth Tehuti, also known by his Greek title and name as Hermes Trismegistus (Hermes Thrice Blessed)). In his ancient books, we have presented the knowledge of the universe at a microcosmic and macrocosmic level. This book works with the original 21 Books of Thoth, now called the Major Arcana of the Tarot Cards. This Magickal deck of 21 cards are Keys to different realms of Knowledge and Magick that will assist mankind in the spiritual ascension to the Shining Ones.